So, a lot has happened, but I'll keep it short. Jack had his first Christmas and got lots of cool presents! We spent it up at the Ballard's in Anacortes and Gramma Rose and Uncle Kenny came too!
Next came New Year's Eve. We had over Jack's friends Sydney, Dylan, and Matthew. I have a great picture but it's on another computer. I'll try to add it later.
President's Day Jack took his first trip to the Pacific Ocean. We spent the weekend with his G&G Ballard, Great Aunts Nancy and Kathy, and his Great Uncle Ed. Here are a few cute pics of Jack's first vacation.

Now for Jack's milestones. He smiled on his one month birthday. Since then he loves to talk, he has laughed a few times but not regularly. He rolled over early in his third month, which for his size, is GREAT! I have a video, I am going to try and attach it, forgive me if it doesn't work! I swear he is going to skip crawling and go straight for walking but let's hope that does NOT happen. I still have a lot of child proofing to do :)