Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Another Big Day

Yesterday was another big day for Jack. He met another one of his newly born friends, Matthew Allen Tenhulzen. Matthew was born on December 14th and is son to Chris' oldest friend and close neighbor to us so we hope to spend lots of time together with our boys. Above is a picture of Jack and Matthew!

Monday, December 17, 2007

10 Weeks

Okay, well now that I've uploaded a menage of photos from the last two months... I'm ready to blog!

Yesterday we hosted our first party for our friends in over a year. We had our family friendly Seahawks Sunday Brunch where we invited die hard fans and all our friends that recently expanded their families just like us. I hope to make it an annual event since it went so well and we had a packed house! I think we had 16 adults and 9 kids in our basement by the end of the game :) I have to say I intended to invite more people but I am glad that I didn't because everyone that I invited came and helped us watch the Hawks lose.

Oh and hopefully I don't jinx it but Jack has slept through the night 2 days in a row!!!

Here are some photos of Jack and his new friends!

Sydney is on the left, Jack in the middle, and Dylan on the right.

My big Jack is helping prop up Dylan!

Dylan's daddy Travis had his hands full!

Two Months & Thanksgiving

One Month

Week Three

Week Two

Week One

Some of the First Pictures of Mr. Jack

Such an angel!

Proud parents (exhausted after a 28 hour labor)

Jack's first bath


Well I have gone outside my computer comfort zone and started a blog about Jack! I take so many pictures and send them out to everyone that maybe I should let YOU decide how often you look at the most gorgeous baby ever born. Okay, I might be a LITTLE biased :)

I'll post some pictures of the last ten weeks but just enough to get you up to speed for all the new pictures that will be posted.

Jack is an excellent baby and I want to share him with everyone because he is so special!